now to be ready when we launch


Boost Buying Power and Improve Equity Position TM

Optimize monthly bills budgeting. Eliminate late fees. Payoff loans faster. Protect or improve credit.


A few dimes a day can cut decades from loan payments over a lifetime. TM

Tired of making sacrifices on the size, safety features or creature comforts associated with life’s big-ticket purchases?

What if you could afford 2 more vehicles, boats, RVs, homes or trips abroad in your lifetime?

We facilitate small, automated, adjustments to your bill paying process to make major impacts on lifestyle options

Understand How My Payment Power TM Works

My Payment Power™ automates the weekly withdrawal of loan or credit card payment fragments from your checking or savings account to ensure the on-time monthly payment of each loan enrolled through our service.

You can setup 13 or 14 monthly payments in a calendar year to pay term loans off months sooner. Setting Car, home, boat, RV or student loans up for weekly payment pulls can cut years off each loan repayment schedule. You’ll also eliminate late fees and reduce interest paid to your financial institution(s) over time.

You can even round up daily debit card purchases to“Super Accelerate” repayment of the loans you designate.

HTML Tutorial

How MPP can save thousands in interest charges for less than the cost of a coffee per week

Rebuilding your credit can be hard. Smaller, automated, weekly loan payment pulls are key for getting back on track.

Stabilizes & improves credit scores with guaranteed on-time monthly payments

Improves available cashflow throughout the month

Establishes & automates financial discipline

Eliminates late payment fees

Improves equity over time

Reducesloan interest paid

How MPP can save thousands in interest charges for less than the cost of a coffee per week

Improving your credit score is made easier with MyPaymentPower™. Smaller, automated, weekly payment pulls are the key.

Helps protect & improve credit scores with guaranteed on-time monthly payments

Improves available cashflow throughout the month

Establishes & automates financial discipline

Eliminates late payment fees

Improves equity over time

Reduces loan interest paid

How MPP can save thousands in interest charges for less than the cost of a coffee per week

Improving your credit score is made easier with MyPaymentPower™. Smaller, automated, weekly payment pulls are the key.

Helps protect & improve credit scores with guaranteed on-time monthly payments

Improves available cashflow throughout the month

Establishes & automates financial discipline

Eliminates late payment fees

Improves equity over time

Reduces loan interest paid

How MPP helps create the lifestyle you deserve for less than the cost of a coffee per week

Improving your credit score is made easier with MyPaymentPower™. Smaller, automated, weekly payment pulls are the key.

Optimized “Big Ticket Item”purchase power (size, safety, comfort & performance options)

Protects superb credit scores with guaranteed on-time monthly payments

Establishes & automatesbank fee/interest minimization

Optimizes equity building for faster trade-in/trade-up cycles

Saves time & hassle through automated bill payments

Beats banks out of months or years of loan interest

How MPP optimizes the lifestyle you’ve earned for less than the cost of a coffee per week

Banks built loan financing to leverage your dollars for their interest. We use the calendar to build your generational wealth.

Optimized “Big Ticket Item” purchase power (size, safety, comfort & performance options)

Protects superb credit scores with guaranteed on-time monthly payments

Establishes & automatesbank fee/interest minimization

Optimizes equity building for faster trade-in/trade-up cycles

Saves time & hassle through automated bill payments

Beats banks out of months or years of loan interest



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